Season of the Witch open call group art show rules & guidelines

Open Call Art Show at Aurora Gallery: 

Season of the Witch: A Group Mask Art Show! 2024


- Deadline is end of day Sunday September 29th. NO EXCEPTIONS. 

-If you are shipping the artwork MUST arrive by this date. Contact for shipping instructions. 

- MUST be mask themed. The idea of masks, mask symbolism, a literal mask, etc.

- 3 square feet maximum of space, but no limit on pieces submitted. Meaning, you have 3ft of space in every direction (think square/rectangle) to hang or display. That could be one big piece or for instance three or more small works. 

- Any medium is welcome BUT the pieces in the show must be able to be sold as ORIGINAL pieces of art. (NO AI art)

  • MUST be ready to hang with an appropriate hanging mechanism such as a wire or saw tooth. If the artwork is 3D and will need a pedestal please let us know with a little advance. 
  • If your piece(s) are too large or do not have an appropriate hanging mechanism the gallery reserves the right to decline the artwork. 

-You do NOT need to email us images of the work or submit beforehand, this is an open call open submission art show. Anyone can participate. 

- No price limitation. Consignment split is 60/40, meaning you will receive 60% of the sale price if your piece sells.

- Show Opening Reception is on October 12th from 6-10pm

- Artwork comes down on the weekend of November 10th. Please promptly pick up your artwork if unsold as we do not have much storage space in our back room. 

Drop off/pick up at Aurora Gallery and Boutique, 1262 S. Shelby St Louisville, KY 40203. 

Let us know if you have any questions, we can't wait to see what you come up with this year!!!


- Aurora